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2001-11-16 - 12:04 a.m. -a good magic trick

This works best if you have a supply of old tires on hand: six or more would be ideal. Also a backyard so shaded by big trees that grass won't grow and you are free to tear the ground up as much as you want because hey, all you are uprooting is patches of freakish ivy.

You will also need a shovel. For digging.

STEP ONE: Dig a cylindrical hole in the ground, about a foot and a half in diameter and about four feet deep (based on how tall you are at the time you try this, the depth should match your height. Don't try this if you are amazonian, because you'll be digging for a hella long time).

STEP TWO: Place one tire around the hole.

STEP THREE: Seat your audience so that to them, the tire looks like it is just laying on the ground.

STEP FOUR: Stand above the hole with your feet on the tire's inner rims and say a bunch of mumbo-jumbo about how you are going to disappear.

STEP FIVE: Have your lovely assistant stack tires around you until you are hidden from sight.

STEP SIX: Jump down into the hole. Be sure to twist your ankle when you land so that you have to bite down on your wrist to keep from howling.

STEP SEVEN: Have your lovely assistant remove all tires but the last one. Voila! You've disappeared!

STEP EIGHT: Reappear by doing the trick in reverse.

STEP NINE: Repeat trick ad nauseum until everyone gets bored and goes off to harvest pecans from the neighbor's tree.

STEP TEN: Leave the gaping hole to slowly fill with dirt and leaves over the next few months, until it looks deceptively like the ground surrounding it.

STEP ELEVEN: Get in heaps of trouble when your dad innocently places the foot of a ladder near the now camoflauged hole, and nearly falls when the ladder start sliding into the hole once he climbs on it. What were you thinking, not filling in this hole? Didn't you realize that cats and other small animals could have fallen and gotten trapped in it?

STEP TWELVE: Remember the shovel? You put it away with clods of wet dirt still smeared on it, and now it is rusted. That was a bad thing to do too.

But the trick was good.

the week in review...

just another brick in the wall - 2006-07-19

british telly shows - 2006-07-09

daddy day - 2006-05-18

not doing so well - 2006-04-21

lost and found - 2006-04-19

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