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2002-03-30 - 8:02 p.m. -pass the hankie

So we went to see E.T. this afternoon. To be fair, I was not crying through the whole thing. Actually, I was not crying per se at all. I was just sort of sniffly at times. Mostly when the bikes were flying. Good stuff.

But as we were leaving the theatre, mr rampy was theatrically wiping at my cheeks and calling me "sniffy." Then middle sis chimed in and started miming me weeping: "Don't die, E.T.! Don't die!!!" Mockery in stereo. Yay.

I was like, "Don't you both know by now that I cry at movies???" Middle sis was there, after all, when I wept wholeheartedly through the entire last half of Beauty and the Beast. First because it was so beautiful and happy, then because it was so sad, then because it was happy again. That is seriously the most I have ever cried at a movie.

Except for when I watched Lady Jane. That probably made me bawl more, especially the execution scene.

One of my more embarassing crying moments was when I was watching Toy Story, and I teared up when Buzz Lightyear was facing the fact that he was a toy, not an interstellar hero. The sappy Randy Newman song in the background did not help matters. Little sis noticed in the theatre that I was brushing away tears, and as we were leaving she gave her best impression of me sobbing in maudlin spasms,"Fly Buzz! Fly!!!"

Follow that Bird also made me weep like a schoolgirl. Particularly Big Bird's song from captivity: he's in a cage and he's painted blue. How heartless do you have to be not to be touched by that?

My favorite crying moment ever, however, would have to be at Edward Scissorhands, where literally the entire theatre except my friend was bawling its eyes out at the end. Then the lights came on after the credits, and she looked up from her popcorn and was like, "What? Why is everyone crying?"

Fine. Me = sap. But I have very clear sinuses now.

the week in review...

just another brick in the wall - 2006-07-19

british telly shows - 2006-07-09

daddy day - 2006-05-18

not doing so well - 2006-04-21

lost and found - 2006-04-19

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