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2004-09-12 - 6:17 p.m. -a day of dance

A couple Fridays ago we went to Six Flags with middle sis, my friend K, and K's husband. Immediately upon entering we saw this cardboard cut-out of Mr. Six. I loves me some Mr. Six and think those commercials where he dances and lures the young into his magic bus for a day of fun at Six Flags are the best ever. This despite the fact that I absolutely loathed that "We Love to Party" song the summer it came out and can, in fact, be heard yelling on our wedding video "OH MY GOD WHY IS THAT BASTARD PLAYING THIS!!!" when the d.j. (to whom we gave this incredibly detailed list of play-dos and don'ts so as to be able to avoid having to hear the Chicken Dance, the Cotton-Eyed Joe, Medley from Grease, etc.) played it.

Naturally I ran over to have my picture taken with him. And then K (and mr rampy, quite vociferously) suggested I do a Mr. Six dance around him. So I did, and only then realized that K has one of those cameras that can make movies too. Had I known that, I might have busted out more moves than just the one he uses to lure the caddies away from the golf course in his most recent commercial.

Later we were in the arcade, where mr rampy and K's husband spent most of the night playing some game wherein mr rampy got turned into a chicken at one point (that's the only part I watched; I was shooed away moments later for pushing the wrong button when they were trying to up their health points with an influx of quarters). We girls had come to corral them so we would have time to ride the bumper cars before the park closed, but K and I got sidetracked by the Dance Dance Revolution game.

K had never played before, so I explained the rules (I have a board and the game at home and used to play it regularly as part of a half-assed "exercise" program). She ended up liking it immensely, to the point that she has since gone to a bowling alley for the express purpose of playing again. And her husband made a movie of us playing for us to keep forever.

What I liked the best, though, was that when our first game started, we simultaneously clasped our hands together in prayer-form and made polite syncronized sumo bows to the game screen.

the week in review...

just another brick in the wall - 2006-07-19

british telly shows - 2006-07-09

daddy day - 2006-05-18

not doing so well - 2006-04-21

lost and found - 2006-04-19

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